Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Vietnamese students

Some pictures of my adult and teenager class. Instead of boring everyone with superlatives about them, here’s a little anecdote.

While I was teaching in Kuala Lumpur, I once gave my higher level adult students some pictures spread out on a piece of paper. I wanted them to create some sentences using the grammar point we had discussed that lesson. After completion of the task, I asked them if they had recognized the person in the bottom picture. The picture showed me running out of the ocean in the Bintan Triathlon. One of the students immediately replied and said: “But of course, that’s Tom Cruise.” As you can imagine, I gave her some extra marks on her next exam.


Keipo said...

Hi,I knew u blog from Simon site..can u join multiply and invite me as pmtey to be your friend.then u can see u some race photos,like Kuantan run ? I got snap u few fotos..

my site:

My foto is download for foc..don worry.cheers.


Kristof said...

Hi Tey,

Thanks, but I have already joined multiply and you have already accepted me. You have given me some really cool pictures already :-D